Pro-life Feminism

Pro-Life Feminism - Original Articles

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Equal Rights Amendment, a Pro-Life Feminist Perspective New!

Testimony before the United States Senate Judiciary Committee, 1975, Pat Goltz

Talk of "Unwanted Child" Makes for Doll Objects submitted with Senate testimony
Hablar de "Niños deseados" los convierte en objetos lúdicos
Spreken over "Gewenste kinderen" zorgt voor poppeobjecten

Feminist as Antiabortionist submitted with Senate testimony
Las feministas como antiabortistas

Abortion Exploits Women submitted with Senate testimony
El aborto explota a las mujeres

First Position Paper submitted with Senate testimony
Declaración sobre la Posición Inicial

The Abortion Kickbacks submitted with Senate testimony

In Pregnancy Counselling--Delays Hurting Abortion Efforts submitted with Senate testimony

Abortion in Japan after 25 Years submitted with Senate testimony

Euthanasia: The Latest Threat Is on the Rise submitted with Senate testimony

The Ovulation Method submitted with Senate testimony

My appreciation to Robert Hughes for assisting me in obtaining copies of some of these documents.

Life, Liberty and the Unwelcomed Consequences of Abortion

The True Meaning of Feminism
El verdadero significado del feminismo

What Is a Pro-Life Feminist?
¿Qué es una feminista pro-vida?


Why I Won't Debate

Warning to Doctors concerning RU-486

Levi Strauss Defunds Boy Scouts

If Abortion Becomes Illegal, Will the Government Murder Your Sister?

We Done It Wrong by Pat Goltz (a modest legal suggestion on how to fix Roe v. Wade)

My Personal Abortion Story by Pat Goltz

Abortion: Where Do We Go From Here? by Pat Goltz

Why is Clinic Violence Wrong? by Pat Goltz

When Your Child Is Special

Thoughts on Having a Nephew with Down Syndrome

Never again! An abortion rant by Pat Goltz (contains forceful language)
¡Nunca Mas!

Copyright Issues


Guest Articles

Men and Abortion by Daniel Schnick

Open Letter to a Female Judge Anonymous

What is Death with Dignity? A Firsthand Experience Anonymous

Pro-life Feminism