Post Abortion Healing Support
No Subject
Sun Dec 22 00:21:08 2002
I'm feeling overwhelmed. I will feel fine for a day or
two and then I just breakdown. I can't seem to handle this feeling like I have this dirty secret. I have always been
prochoice because I don't feel I should ever judge what is right for someone else. When I found out I was pregnant and
decided to terminate the pregnancy I felt certain that at the time it was the right decision for myself. Now I wouldn't
reverse my choice but I just feel like this is something that I never thought would happen to me. The smallest thing
will set me off into a deep sobbing fit. I'm blessed with a wonderful partner who has been my crutch but I feel like I
need to talk with other women who are going through or have experienced the same feeling. I want to seek counseling but
I'm afraid of being judged and I don't know where to turn.