Post Abortion Healing Support
Mon Dec 23 11:29:00 2002
i only have a few minutes, i'm headed home for the holidays, but i want to tell you a little about what
i've been doing to heal.
yes, i still get depressed, yes i still cry, and fall apart at certain sights and memories,
i now support prochoice advances full hearted.
i stand up for all women.
this may sound strange, but i
named my baby. i gave him a sex, since i didn't know it, and i talk to him.
i am somewhat religious, so i also talk
to god, asking him to watch over my baby.
i've learned that trying to ignore certain dates, anniversaries, doesn't
work for me.
i talk to my boyfriend, who supports me 100%. he doesn't judge me, which, i think, if you can find at
least one person to stand by you, it will make a whole world of difference. we, me, casey, and others, can be that
person if you need us to be.
this board really helped me. when i saw that i wasn't alone, that there were other
women like me, i started to really confront the choice i had made, and the feelings i have about it.
i hope that
some of this helps. the fact that you are looking for support is a good thing. i tmeans that you are recognizing what
has happened and you are ready to face it, deal with it, and grow from it.
anywa, happy holidays, and i will be
checking in, so keep writing.
always, jennifer