Post Abortion Healing Support
Mon Dec 9 15:03:33 2002
Kacee~ is that
what you go by? *smile*
Anyway, first of all I want to say, please be careful. I felt the need to talk to the
father of my baby, and he told me he felt nothing. It hurt almost worse then what i had been through, because it told me
that I went through it alone. He has since told me that he loves me and would like to try again, but i know better. I
have learned that I am stronger, better, then that. I need positive, supportive people around me. My current boyfriend,
who I think may be my last boyfriend *smile*, doesn't know what the abortion was like, cause he wasn't there, but he
trys to understand the impact it has had on me, and he knows what a truly loving person I am... he holds my hand, hugs
me, listens to me, tells me what a great person I am and how I will still be the most wonderful mother to the children I
have one day.
Sorry, got off track. Anyway, just be careful, know that whether the father feels one way or the other,
it doesn't make your feelings invalid, and that you did what you yourself needed to do. You admitted that you weren't
ready to have a child, so you didn't do it to help the father avoid being 'trapped'. I hope I'm not coming off as harsh,
because I know I don't know the whole story, but I keep seeing little similarities between you and me.
So if I'm off
base, please tell me.
I just hope everything went well this weekend.
Please write.