Post Abortion Healing Support
For All Women Injured by Abortion
Wed Aug 8 22:34:35 2001
The Texas Justice Foundation, the National Foundation for Life, and other national organizations like the
Center for Reclaiming America are engaged in extensive efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. The Texas
Justice Foundation is representing Norma McCorvey, who was formerly designated as "Roe" of Roe v. Wade and Sandra Cano,
who was formerly designated as "Doe" of Doe v. Bolton. Both of these ladies are now seeking to overturn the decisions
that brought abortion to America in their names.
How can you help? Now is the time for all women who have been
injured by abortion, or know someone who has been injured by abortion, to share their stories. We need women who have
had abortions to sign affidavits that reveal the harmful effects of abortion. We need others to sign on as Friends of
the Court to support the following statement:
"It is not in the human or legal interest of any mother to kill her
own child. A mother's true interest is in her child's life and her relationship with her child. Roe v. Wade should be
We understand the pain abortion causes women because we both have experienced the
devastation of abortion in our own lives. We also have experienced the forgiveness, hope and healing offered to those
who have been through the tragedy of abortion. Only when those of us harmed by abortion speak out and share the truth,
will this tragedy end. Join us as a Protector of Women's Rights and let your voice be heard in Operation Outcry!
Texas Justice Foundation is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit, public interest litigation firm, which exists entirely on voluntary
tax-deductible contributions. Please prayerfully consider supporting Operation Outcry financially. If you have any
questions or would like more information about further involvement, please contact the Texas Justice Foundation at
(201) 614-7157 or toll free at 1-877-247-7582.
Thank you for your support,
Sharon Blakeney and Susan
Attorney at Law Communications Director
To download forms, visit
If you have been
involved in abortion, there is forgiveness, healing, and counseling available to you at the numbers below:
Care Net Helpline 1-800-395-HELP
National Memorial for the Unborn 1-800-505-5565
Rachel's Vineyard
Care Pregnancy Center Hotline 1-888-823-1121
"therefore choose life, that you and your
children may live." Deuteronomy 30:19