Post Abortion Healing Support
Re: One last thought for you to think about
Wed Feb 6 00:44:35 2002
Anger is a typical response to abortion. So is guilt, depression,
self-medicating with drugs or alcohol, sexual dysfunction, such as promiscuity or frigidity, and a whole host of other
things. Abortion not only ends the life of the fetus, a human being in a stage of development, but it hurts mothers as
well. That's not freedom, that's slavery. The intentional and planned death of an unborn human being is not analogous to
deaths sustained in a war. People who have abortions, even if they were ambiguous about abortion prior to their own,
tend to become fiercely defensive about abortion, because to not be defensive means that possibly it was a wrong
choice, a bad thing. I'm sorry you have to live with what you've done, and I'm sorry you were robbed of the love,
sunshine, and unbridled joy of being a mother. You were sold a bunch of BS, and you will continue to suffer, which is
one of the reasons why I strenuously oppose abortion. For you and for your son or daughter, who likewise was robbed of
the incredible and indescribable love you would have given him or her, I am deeply and most sincerely sorry.