Post Abortion Healing Support
Re: your friend
Thu Jan 2 14:59:19 2003
I read what you wrote, and you
made a lot of good points. The first thing I told Jenifer (my best friend) is that she needs to do what's best for
her. Don't make the mistake I did, and try to protect, help, or please the father, thinking he'll be around after the
abortion. It doesn't always work that way, although sometimes it does. In my case, it didn't, and I told her about
my experience. She already knew about everything, but there were things I still hadn't told her about. I want her
to do what is best for her, and if that is an abortion, then so be it. I'm not going to talk her out of an abortion
if that's her choice, and I'm not going to talk her into one if it's not. I care about her, and her being happy with
her decision matters more to me than how the father would feel. Jenifer has talked about it with the father, and
like Jeff, he'll support her. I told her that Jeff told me the same thing, and that ended up putting pressure on me
to make the decision alone. Sure, he was behind me, but he didn't make the decision with me. I can't change her mind
with whatever direction she goes, because it's hers to make. She did tell me, though, that if I had kept my daughter,
she would probably keep her child, too. It's a best friend thing, I suppose, but she is only being supportive.
If I had kept my child, I know things would have been different. Jeff has plans to move from Wichita some time, and
I, along with our child, would have gone with him. He would take responsibility and take care of his daughter, as
well as the mother. (Those were his words, too). I do feel as if I exercised my freedom of choice. I'm thankful to
know that I wasn't forced into an abortion, and that I did have choices to make. I believe in my heart that I made
the right one, if not for all the right reasons. I have already talked to her about abortion, and she knows what
can happen. She already knows that having an abortion doesn't guarantee the relationship she has with the father
will stay the same, or that he'll even be around after. Like I've written before, and told her, I'll support her
in whatever decision she makes, but I won't make it for her, or try to change her mind. She supported me and my
decision, and that's exactly what I'll do for her.
Jenifer knows I'll help her in anyway I can. I told her what
my experiences were after my abortion. The guilt, shame, sadness, depression, and especially how my relationship with
Jeff changed afterwards. I told her again about my being on anti-depressants, and I wasn't doing it to scare her. I
was only giving her information from somebody with first hand experience. She knows I'm only trying to help her, and
that I want her to know the kinds of changes that will happen to her, physically and emotionally, as well as what
could happen with the relationship she has with the father. I told her time and time again that I hope the father of
her child treats her better than Jeff treated me. I wouldn't want her to have the kind of guy like I did; one that
refuses to listen to me about my feelings, or even acknowledge that I'm depressed. But, I refuse to change her mind
once she's made it up, and I will support her with whatever decision she makes. I just want to make sure that she
makes the right decision for her, not for him. Jenifer doesn't need to hear from the father that he will lose his job
and be run out of the city like I heard from Jeff. If you want, I can give you the website address to the radio
station he works at, and feel free to write him with any comments, as well as me. He still doesn't realize that he
can't change history, and I will always be the mother of his first child. Thank you for listening, and responding.
You're very supportive, and I did tell Jenifer about this website. She knows that there is support out there for her,
if it doesn't come from whom it needs to most.