Post Abortion Healing Support
My story
Wed Aug 14 13:35:05 2002
When I found out I was pregnant, I was shocked beyond
belief. I was one of those "It wouldn't happen to me people" and I played that silly game of russian roulette (sex
without birth control). Well it happened. The father was real jerk...ignored me, never spoke to me, never asked if I
needed anything...and moved in with his new girlfirend for support and comfort...leaving me to fend for myself! But I
got through the whole process...found a few of my girlfriends that i could confide in and they went beyond the call of
duty...holding my hand the entire time! I had my abortion the end of June...I know I made the right decsion and my
future will be brighter because of this. Every year though my due date will be a reminder to be responsible and true to