Post Abortion Healing Support
Re: My story
Mon Aug 19 07:44:04 2002
So true! So many people think they are alone in this
and are afriad to talk about it due to the stigma that unfortunately still exists towards unmarried women. The one
thing that infuriated me the most was picketers outside the clinic. I almost wanted to stop and speak to them and ask
them if they wanted to support me financially when I would have to leave my job for maternity leave, cause the father
wasn't. I wanted to ask them if then they would support me and a whole other person while I continued my education,
tried to find a new job and tried to provide daily for a little innocent human that didn't ask to be born into these
unfair circumsatnces. Before my experience, I never thought I could go through with an abortion...but never thought
differently of those who did. Being in the situation with your future and the unborn baby's future flashing before your
eyes, the decsion is sooo easy!! Choice is a great thing to's just too bad everyone don't see it that way!
- response — Fallen Angel, Tue Aug 20 12:39