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Bible Verses in Many Languages

languages spoken in Europe languages spoken in the
Philippines languages spoken in Mexico

visual index of
 web site materials in many languages music midis for your listening pleasureMusic

Af-maxaad tiriAf-SoomaaliAfrikaansAkimel O'odhamAl ArabiyaAmboArabelaArabicAraucanoAshlushlayAxluslayBahasa IndonesiaBahasa MelayuBeetjuans Blue MeoCaffreCauzuhChangana ChechenChineseChiripunoChiripunuChuanaChulupeChulupíChulupieChurupiCoanaCreekCuanaCuangarDauwaDawadeitshDongoEnglishespañolFarsiGreekGullahGwambaHaitianHawai'i CreoleHawai'i PidginHawaiianIkinyarwandaHebrewHindiHmong NjuaIndonesianIsiswatiIsiswaziIsiXhosaIsizuluIvritJapaneseKafferKaffirKekchiKetchiKikongoKimbunduKingoniKinhKinyarwandaKiswahiliKitsongaKoosa KwangaliKwangareKwangariLingalaLoandaLoandeLuandaLundaMalagasyMalayalamMalaysianMalgacheMaoriMapucheMapudunguMapudungunMaputongoMbunduMelanesian PidginMeoMiaomoRukwangaliMuskokeeN'BundoNalcaNaljaN'BundoNbunduNdauwaNdebeleNdongaNdongoNdugaNdugwaNdzundzaNebomeNevomeNgalaNgoniNihongoNokchiin MuottNorth MbunduNorthern SothoNokhchiinNrebeleNyoroOchindonga'Olelo Hawai'iO'odhamO'othhamOrunyarwandaOrunyoroOshindongaOsindongaOtjiwamboOwamboPapagoPediPennsylvania DeitshPennsylvania DutchPersianPesechamPesechemPesegemPidginPimanportuguêsPortugueseRomaniRuandaRukwangaliRunyoroRutooroRwandaSamoanSechuanaSeminoleSepediSesothoShitsongashkipShonaShuarSikwangaliSisothoSouthern NdebeleSouthern SothoSoutoSomaliSpanishSuthuSutoSwahiliSwatiSwaziTe ReoTekelaTekezaThongaTohono O'odhamTongaTransvaal NdebeleTransvaal SothoTsongaTswanaUeleUmaUpper PimanUrunyarwandaVietnameseWelleXhosaXichanganaXitsongaXosaYupikZuluZunda

music midis for your listening pleasure Johann Sebastian Bach is sometimes referred to as the fifth evangelist. He evangelizes through his music, which has become popular and renown throughout the world. Bach was a staunch Lutheran, and his music is the epitome of the joy of the Christian who realizes that our salvation is dependent on God alone, and is a free gift which we do not have to earn in any way. Even our faith is a gift. For your listening pleasure, I have made available a few of Bach's famous organ compositions, courtesy of Classical Midi Archives and of Dean Lampe, who sequenced these midi files.

Prelude and Fugue in e, BWV 533 This one is a special favorite of mine, and my sister Becky plays it.
Prelude and Fugue in D, BWV 532
Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 541
Prelude and Fugue in a, BWV 543
Prelude and Fugue in c, BWV 549


Cults and Sects Includes links in other languages
Evidences (apologetics) Includes links to information in multiple languages
Donate Bibles to persecuted Christians

I am looking for any web sites that have Psalm 23 in many languages. If you know of such a site, please email me. Also, if you have access to a Bible in a language not listed here, or you can write in any of these languages, whether listed here or not, please email me. Also, if you can help me with foreign fonts, please email me. Thank you.

Scripture Earth
Bibles: Find Foreign Language Bibles in Over 4000 Languages
Silent Night in Many Languages Creation articles in various languages
The Lord's Prayer in over 1500 languages Also contains Catholic prayers and occasionally portions of the liturgy.
Ethnic Harvest sources of Bible materials in 140 languages
Faith Cometh By Hearing recorded Bible materials in many languages
Jesus Film online in 85 languages
Four Spiritual Laws in many languages
1 Corinthians 13 A Guide to Culture
Historic Christian creeds in several languages
Creation in twelve languages
The Rosetta Project early Genesis in 1200 languages
Scripture Booklets in 310 languages
God's Simple Plan of Salvation in many languages


Af-maxaad tiri see Somali

Af-Soomaali see Somali



Al Arabiya, Arabic

Araucano see Mapudungun

Ambo see Ndonga

Ashlushlay see Nivaclé

Axluslay see Nivaclé

Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Melayu

Beetjuans see Tswana

Caffre see Xhosa

Cafre see Xhosa

Causuh see Xhosa

Changana see Tsonga


Chechen, Nokhchiin, Nokchiin Muott

Chinese, Big 5 encoding

Chinese see also Chinese link

Chiripuno see Arabela

Chiripunu see Arabela

Chuana see Tswana

Chulupe see Nivaclé

Chulupí see Nivaclé

Chulupie see Nivaclé

Churupi see Nivaclé

Coana see Tswana


Cuana see Tswana

Cuangar see moRukwangali

Dauwa see Nduga

Dawa see Nduga

Dongo see Mbundu


español, Spanish


Gwamba see Tsonga



Hawaiian see 'Olelo Hawai'i

Hawai'i Creole see Hawai'i Pidgin

Hawai'i Pidgin, Hawai'i Creole

Hebrew see Ivrit


Indonesian see Bahasa Indonesia

Ikinyarwanda see Kinyarwanda

Isiswati see Swati

Isiswazi see Swati

IsiXhosa see Xhosa

Isizulu see Zulu

Ivrit, Hebrew

Kaffer see Xhosa

Kaffir see Xhosa

Kekchi, Ketchi


Kimbundu see Mbundu

Kingoni see Zulu

Ikinyarwanda, Kinyarwanda, Ruanda, Rwanda, Orunyarwanda, Urunyarwanda

Kitsonga see Tsonga

Kinh, Vietnamese


Kiswahili, Swahili

Koosa see Xhosa

Kwangali see moRukwangali

Kwangare see moRukwangali

Kwangari see moRukwangali

Lingala, Ngala

Loanda see Mbundu

Loande see Mbundu

Luanda see Mbundu

Lunda see Mbundu


Malaysian see Bahasa Melayu

Malgache, Malagasy

Maori see Te Reo

Mapuche see Mapudungun

Mapudungu see Mapudungun

Mapudungun, Mapudungu, Mapuche, Maputongo, Araucano

Maputongo see Mapudungun

Mbundu, Loanda, Luanda, Lunda, Loande, Kimbundu, North Mbundu, Nbundu, N'Bundo, Dongo, Ndongo

Melanesian Pidgin

Meo, Blue Meo, Hmong Njua

moRukwangali, Kwangali, Sikwangali, Rukwangali, Kwangari, Kwangare, Cuangar


Muskokee, Creek, Seminole

N'Bundo see Mbundu

Nalca, Nalja

N'Bundo see Mbundu

Nbundu see Mbundu

Ndauwa see Nduga

Ndebele, Nrebele, Ndzundza, Transvaal Ndebele, Southern Ndebele



Ndongo see Mbundu

Nduga, Ndugwa, Ndauwa, Dauwa, Dawa, Pesechem, Pesecham, Pesegem

Ndugwa see Nduga

Ndzundza see Ndebele

Nebome see Tohono O'odham

Nevome see Tohono O'odham

Ngoni see Zulu

Nivaclé, Chulupí, Churupi, Chulupie, Chulupe, Ashlushlay, Axluslay

Nrebele see Ndebele

North Mbundu see Mbundu

Northern Sotho, Pedi, Sepedi, Transvaal Sotho

Nyoro, Runyoro, Orunyoro, Rutooro

Ochindonga see Ndonga

'Olelo Hawai'i, Hawaiian


O'odham see Tohono O'odham

O'othham see Tohono O'odham

Orunyarwanda see Kinyarwanda

Orunyoro see Nyoro

Oshindonga see Ndonga

Osindonga see Ndonga

Otjiwambo see Ndonga

Owambo see Ndonga

Papago see Tohono O'odham

Pedi see Northern Sotho

Pesecham see Nduga

Pesechem see Nduga

Pesegem see Nduga

Pidgin see Hawai'i Pidgin

Piman see Tohono O'odham


Pennsylvania Deitsh

português, Portuguese

Rukwangali see moRukwangali

Runyoro see Nyoro

Ruanda see Kinyarwanda

Rutooro see Nyoro

Rwanda see Kinyarwanda



Sechuana see Tswana

Sepedi see Sepedi

Sesotho, Suto, Suthu, Souto, Sisotho, Southern Sotho

Shitsonga see Tsonga


Sisutho see Sesotho



Somali, Af-Soomaali, Af-maxaad tiri

Southern Ndebele see Ndebele

Southern Sotho see Sesotho

Souto see Sesotho

Spanish see español

Suthu see Sesotho

Suto see Sesotho

Sikwangali see moRukwangali


Swazi see Swati

Swahili see Kiswahili


Te Reo, Maori

Tekela see Swati

Tekeza see Swati

Tohono O'odham, Akimel O'odham (Papago-Piman), O'odham, O'othham, Nevome, Nebome, Upper Piman

Transvaal Ndebele see Ndebele

Transvaal Sotho see Northern Sotho

Thonga see Tsonga

Tonga see Tsonga

Tsingani see Romani

Tsonga, Shitsonga, Kitsonga, Thonga, Tonga, Gwamba, Changana, Xichangana, Xitsonga

Tswana, Chuana, Coana, Cuana, Sechuana, Beetjuans



Upper Piman see Tohono O'odham

Urunyarwanda see Kinyarwanda

Vietnamese see Kinh

Xhosa, IsiXhosa, Xosa, Koosa, Kaffer, Kaffir, Caffre, Cafre, Cauzuh

Xichangana see Tsonga

Xitsonga see Tsonga

Xosa see Xhosa





Zunda see Zulu



Farsi, Persian


Nihongo, Japanese
Kiyoshi kono yoru


Chaoxian, Korean


The Lord's Prayer in Cherokee/Tsilagi


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