by Pat
This was my creative form for my first degree black belt testing in taekwondo.
He Who Overcomes (Pilsung "victory")
Pattern is a cross, representing Christ, Who overcame death.
Heaven hands represent the Christian, who will also overcome death.
Fist to shield symbolizes the whole armor of God, described in Ephesians 6:11-18.
54 moves, 27 on each side, which is 3 cubed, representing the Trinity.
Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-8; 3:12, 21; 21:7.
1. heaven hands
2. fist to shield
3. left front snap kick, landing in left front stance.
4. left low block.
5. right reverse punch.
6. right inside crescent kick, landing in left back stance, facing opposite
direction, right side low block.
7. stepping forward into right back stance, right square knife block.
8. stepping back into left back stance, left supported spearfinger.
9. right reverse hook kick
10. right round kick, landing in left back stance, double fist guarding block.
11. Stepping forward, bring left hand down in front, right inside crescent kick
against left hand.
12. right elbow against left hand, landing in left back stance, kihap.
13. facing slowly left, slow move into right high spear block, left low spear
14. very slow chambered side kick to extension, hands moving into double fist
guarding block.
15. right running jump side kick, kihap
16. landing in left back stance, double fist guarding block.
17. step back even, raising hands to heaven hands.
Derived from Nahantchi sho, 21 moves. All moves performed along the cross-piece
18. Lower heaven hands.
19. Step with left foot over right.
20. Right side kick to the right.
21. Left elbow smash.
22. Right cross punch.
23. Step with right foot over left.
24. Left side kick to the left.
25. left down block, right inner forearm block
26. right down block, left inner forearm block
27. Left chamber to right, left foot touches right knee on side.*
28. Left upper forearm to side block, right foot touches left knee.
29. right elbow behind you while left hand covers right fist; left punch to left
side as the right hand punches the same direction, kihap.
30. Right elbow smash.
31. Left cross punch.
32. Step with left foot over right.
33. Right side kick to the right.
34. right down block, left inner forearm block
35. left down block, right inner forearm block
36. Right chamber to left, right foot touches left knee on side.*
37. Right upper forearm to side block, left foot touches right knee.
38. left elbow behind you while right hand covers right fist; right punch to
right side as the left hand punches the same direction, kihap.
end Nahantchi sho
39. bringing arms back to guarding position, right front snap kick, landing in
right front stance.
40. right low block.
41. left reverse punch.
42. left inside crescent kick, landing in right back stance, facing opposite
direction, left side low block.
43. stepping forward into left back stance, left square knife block.
44. stepping back into right back stance, right supported spearfinger.
45. left reverse hook kick
46. left round kick, landing in right back stance, double fist guarding block.
47. Stepping forward, bring right hand down in front, left inside crescent kick
against right hand.
48. left elbow against right hand, landing in right back stance, kihap.
49. facing slowly right, slow move into left high spear block, right low spear
50. very slow chambered side kick to extension, hands moving into double fist
guarding block.
51. left running jump side kick, kihap.
52. landing in right back stance, double fist guarding block.
53. step back even, fist to shield.
54. heaven hands.

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