Linda Naranjo-huebl on helping women contemplating abortion:
When I say we must acknowledge what prochoice and prolife feminists have
recognized all along--the State can't come in and control what a woman
does with her own body, I am not merely using the rhetoric of choice. I am
using carefully chosen words that eighteenth and nineteenth-century
feminists used to win rights for women-- to go where they want, flee
abuse, marry by choice, engage in sex on a willing basis, learn about
their bodies, etc. Prochoice feminists have appropriated the terminology
from early feminists. To call it a "slogan" or to take offense at words
that have arisen from the sincere struggles of women is to stop listening.
Actually having dialogued with many prochoice feminists, I am quick to
agree with them when they assert woman's right to control her own body.
Then I move on to pointing out that the in-utero child has that same
right. The biological fact that the child's body is inside another
person's body is the most unique relationship and perfect example of
community that exists. This distinction, I would argue, has largely been
ignored by law in our country and suggests that "law," as we know it in
America, will not be able to be applied to the abortion issue in the same
manner as other legislation concerning "rights" (the subject that raised
this discussion). You mentioned the dyad that is "totally unique to a
woman's sexuality." This is exactly the point I am trying to get across.
It is so unique that laws, as we know them, are not going to be much help
if the nature of the relationship between a woman and her in-utero child
is not fully understood or appreciated by our culture. And I would argue
that a legal system founded in a patriarchal culture is sorely lacking in
this understanding and isn't the best tool to address the problem
(although it is a tool).
I'll make my point again--the State can't (that is, will not be able to)
control a woman's body. If a pregnant woman does not want to take care of
her in-utero child, we can have all kinds of laws in place that discourage
her and make it difficult for her to abuse her in-utero child, but the
State can never effectively force her to nurture that life. Society
hasn't even figured out an effective way to stop abuse of born children,
even though there has always been legislation in place. Again (I feel
like a broken record here), I support such legislation because our laws
are an expression of where we as a culture place our values, and all human
beings must be guaranteed equal protection under the law; but it is
clearly not a complete "remedy" because the mother-child relationship is
so unique. And those women for whom abortion has a major self-destructive
element to it will hardly be deterred by legislation. How many suicidal
people do you know who are concerned about breaking a law?
When a prochoice woman states that a woman must control her own body,
instead of turning her off, hear instead the real problem. Within her
range of thinking about the law and rights and autonomy, she recognizes no
model, no paradigm, by which both the woman's and her child's rights can
be respected simultaneously. What this says to me is not that I should
stop listening to her, but rather, that I should seek to explore with her
new paradigms and new ways of thinking that would help her see that
patriarchal thinking has led her to see only an either/or situation; and
together we need to imagine new models that go beyond these restrictions.
This is why FFL's current college campaign has been so effective--we are
going beyond the existing models and poles in the debate to imagine
something new and work together with prochoicers to provide women more
life-affirming options.
One time I was speaking at a high school, debating an ACLU attorney who
made the mistake of going first (why anyone would volunteer to go first in
a debate situation is beyond me). She started by saying that she believed
the entire abortion debate could be summed up in the bumper sticker "If
you don't like abortion, don't have one." When I got up to speak, the
first thing I said was that the idea that this very difficult debate could
be summed up by a bumper sticker is an extreme insult to prolifers,
prochoicers, and everyone in between who has sincerely struggled with the
issue, including the high school students to whom we were speaking. (I
then went on to point out historically where that slogan came from
--antebellum slavery debates--but I've told that story before.)
We need to be listening.