![]() Hedgehog CactusHEDGEHOG - Echinocereus sp. Hedgehog Cactus, Pitayita. Seri: Hant iipzx iteja caacol "large bladder of the arroyo". This cactus shrinks down when dry but regains its moisture and size with rainfall. It is tasty raw. To eat it cooked, slice it into small pieces and cook about half cactus to half water, throw away the pulp and drink the juice. Flavor with bouillon or seasoning. It is slimy but makes a good emergency food. It gives the hiker a lot of power. Refrigerant: do not eat it when the weather is cold. The fruit, with the seeds, is edible and tastes a little like strawberries. It is rich in fats and sugar. The fruit of some species is used to make marmelade. If the ripe fruit has spines, they can be easily removed with a stick. Use the inner flesh for a fresh sunburn. With the cactus still rooted, cut off the outer skin with the thorns then cut it off at the trunk. Apply the flesh over the burn, leaving the juice, several times. When the cactus flesh becomes dry, moisten and reuse or cut off another slice. To promote healing and relieve the pain of external wounds such as cuts, abrasions, compound fractures, open blisters, insect stings, apply a thin slice as a poultice, and keep in place for about three days. Then expose the wound to fresh air and sunlight. This is a rare cactus, so please use sparingly and plant the seeds. Cereus sp. Cierge, Saeulenkaktus, Torch Thistle. Russian: Kaktoos Kroopnotsvetnii. E. coccineus (E. albispinus, aggregatus, acifer, augusticeps, arizonicus, baileyi, berlanderi, blanckii, bonkerae, boyce-thompson, boyce-thompsonii, bristolii, caespitosus, candicans, canyonensis, castaneus, chisosensis, chloranthus, conoideus, ctenoides, dasyacanthus, davisii, degandii, fasciculatus, fendleri, fitchii, fobeanus, gonacanthus, hexaedrus, hildmannii, inermis, knippelianus, krausei, labouretianus, labouretii, leptacanthus, leptocanthus, liebnerianus, lloydii, longispinus, melanacanthus, mohavensis, mojavensis, monacanthus, neo-mexicanus, octacantha, octacanthus, oklahomensis, pacificus, papillosus, paucispinus, pectinata, pectinatus, pectiniferus, pentalophus, perbellus, phoeniceus, polyacanthus, procumbens, purpureus, radians, rafispinus, rectispinus, reichenbachii, rigidispinus, rigidissimus, robustior, robustus, roemeri, roetteri, rosei, rotatus, rubescens, ruengei, rungei, russanthus, sciurus, spinosissimus, standleyi, steerae, texensis, triglochidiatus, viridiflorus, zuniensis; Cactus berlandieri, bl., calcaratus, corniferus, echinus, leptacanthus, neomexicanus, pap., pectinatus, pen., proc., propinquus, radians, radiosus, scolymoides, strobiliformis, sulcatus, tuberculosa, tuberculosus, viviparus; Cereus adustus, aggregatus, bigelovii, cae., candicans, chloranthus, coc., concolor, conoideus, ct., das., fe., g., he., kn., moj., octacanthus, pac., pap., pau., pectinatus, pectiniferus, phoenicius, phoeniceus pac., pol., raf., reichenbachianus, rigidissimus, robustior, roemeri, roetteri, tri., vir., z.; Coryphantha aggregata, alversoni, arizonica, bisbeeana, calcarata, chlorantha, columnaris, cornifera, deserti, ech., fragrans, neomexicana, nickelsiae, ok., pectinata, radians, radiosa, str., sulcata, vivipara; Echinocactus aggregatus, pectinatus, pottsianus, radiosus, str., vivipara, viviparus; Echinopsis octacantha, pectinata, valida; Escobaria aggregata, arizonica, bis., chlorantha, des., neomexicana, ok., radiosa, str., tuberculosa, vivipara; Mammillaria aggregata, alversonii, arizonica, bis., caespitosa, calcarata, chlorantha, cornifera, des., ech., horschtiana, montana, neomexicana, nic., pectinata, radians, radiosa, radiosus, str., sulcata, tuberculosa, vivipara): Arizona Rainbow Cactus, Ball Cactus, Bonker's Hedgehog Cactus, Boyce-Thompson Hedgehog Cactus, Claret Cup Cactus, Claret Cup Hedgehog, Common Pincushion, Crimson Barrel Cactus, Crimson Hedgehog Cactus, Crimson Hedgehog Cereus, Cushion Cactus, Fendler Hedgehog Cactus, Foxtail Cactus, Green Flowered Petaya, Hen and Chickens, Hens and Chickens, Mojave Hedgehog, Mohave Mound Cactus, Mound Cactus, Peebles Hedgehog Cactus, Rainbow Cactus, Red Hedgehog, Robust Hedgehog, Short Spined Hedgehog Cactus, Spiny Cereus, Strawberry Cactus, Texas Rainbow Cactus, White Spined Claret Cup Hedgehog. Dine: Tjeenayookisih "plant that makes the heart feel twisted", Xwoctineespiniih "cactus which grows in bunches". The fruit is edible, but one authority claims it is poisonous. The species is used as a heart stimulant. These plants are used for landscaping. Coryphantha vivipara tolerates frost. E. engelmannii (E. bolansis, chrysocentrus, decumbens, dubius, enneacanthus, munzii, stramineus, Cereus du., e., e., m., s.): Alicoche, Bunch Cactus, Cacto Fresa, Calico Cactus, Engelmann Echinocereus, Golden Hedgehog Cactus, Nichol's Hedgehog Cactus, Pitaya, Purple Pitaya, Sprawling Hedgehog, Strawberry Cactus, Torch Cactus. Akimel: Iisvik. Some people say the fruit tastes like strawberries, but I do not agree. Regardless, it is delicious. E. grandis: Giant Rainbow Cactus. The meat of the cactus can be used as fish bait. See Barrel Cactus. ![]() |