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Numbers of the Beast

Original by Richard Findler (Plus Additions)

660 -- Approximate number of The Beast

-666 -- Negative number of the Beast

DCLXVI -- Roman numeral of The Beast

666, 1332, 1998 -- Years of the Beast

666.0000000000 -- Number of the High Precision Beast

0.666 -- Number of the Millibeast

/ 666 -- Beast Common Denominator

0.005015 -- Reciprical of the Beast

666i -- Imaginary number of The Beast

1010011010 -- Binary number of The Beast

-0.80902 -- The Sine of the Beast

443556 -- Square of the Beast

25.807 -- Square root of the Beast

295408296 -- Cube of the Beast

0.58779 —- Cosine of the Beast

-1.37638 -- Tangent of the Beast

2.8235 -- Log of the Beast

6.5913 -- Ln Beast

1.738E289 -- Anti-log of the Beast

6.66E2 --Scientific number of the Beast

29A -- Hexadecimal number of the Beast

666! -— Factorial of the Beast

2, 3, 111 -- Factors of the Beast

665.5-666.5 -- Range of the Beast

660: Beast rounded down

670: Beast rounded up

6, uh... what was that number again? -- Number of the Blonde Beast

1-666 -- Area code of The Beast

00666 -- Zip code of The Beast

"The Numbers of the Beast"

<Mailto://> -- E-mail address of the beast

<> -- web-page of the Beast

1-900-666-0666 -- Live Beasts! One-on-one pacts! Call Now! Only $6.66/minute. Over 18 only please.

1-888-666-6666: Toll free number of the Beast

From Joke du Jour

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