Pictures of Aborted Babies
The Result of "Choice"

If the following pictures of babies killed in their mother's womb, or as some like to call it, abortions, do not make you sick and end your advocacy that a woman should have the right to have her unborn child killed, then you have no compassion and no soul; you are a robot.

It's enough to make a normal person cry.

People who are pro-choice (to kill unborn children), these pictures are for you. This is what your "choice" does to innocent precious children. Such a sugar-coated word that is so deadly. These are the results of your "choice."

Please wake up to the truth and do not continue to be a party to the slaughter of 4,000 children every day. 1.3 million every year.

These babies were killed in their mother's womb and then thrown in the trash bags. Imagine, this happens 4,000 times every day. We are a society gone mad.

Would you believe there is one political party that supports these atrocities? They go by the name of the Democratic Party, or as I and others who respect the sanctity of human life, like to call them, "The Party of Death." Which is why I left this party years ago.

The above baby was killed in the first trimester and fits in the palm of the hand.
This is what Planned Parenthood, the leading killers of unborn children in the world, calls "just a lump of tissue." How they lie. Does it look like that to you? A beating heart has already formed.

To see more pictures of aborted babies, click here
