Anesthesia for Unborn Babies
Prior to Late Term Abortion

We kill children, but now we will give them an anesthetic so they do not feel pain. A civilized society would just NOT kill children in the womb, or out of the womb. What's the location have to do with it?

Respect God's rights and work hard to save His innocent unborn children.

Frank Joseph MD

SAINT PAUL, July 19, 2005 ( - Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, last Thursday, signed a bill that will require doctors to tell women seeking abortion after 20 weeks gestation that fetuses might feel pain during the procedure and offer them the option of fetal anesthesia.

The "Unborn Child Pain Prevention Act," was supported by the group, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, (MCCL) an affiliate of National Right to Life.

MCCL's Laura Gese, told that the passage of the legislation was being seen as a victory by pro-lifers there. "It's a compassionate bill, wherein, if we have decided that the child has to die, at least he won't suffer horribly from a brutal death."

The bill was not directly opposed by the National Abortion Rights Action League, since fetal pain is considered a side issue. Most Minnesota abortions are committed in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy and so the law does not affect them. Medical association opposition was dropped when the bill's language was changed to preclude felony charges for doctors who failed to comply.

The real value of the legislation is in the message it sends to those engaged in the debate. Gese said that MCCL hopes the bill will have an effect similar to the partial birth abortion bans in raising the awareness in the public of the humanity of the unborn child. Gese said, "It strengthens the Woman's Right to Know bill," that required women be given accurate information about abortion and fetal development before abortion.

"It also brings to light the humanity of the unborn child and opens the discussion. It helps people to understand that this is a human being that we are talking about."

Jim Hughes, National President of Canada's pro-life lobby, Campaign Life Coalition, echoed this when he told, "If there's anything positive it is to show that there is a human being present that does feel pain. And people who haven't entered the debate yet will come into the discussion and be shown the humanity of the unborn."

"By the same token," said Hughes, "it's certainly not a victory. It's definitely an admission that these things are going to go on anyway and we can't stop them yet. It's a very, very small step forward, but it might cause some younger people to give the issue a second look, and in the end, gain their support for the life of the child."
