California Tapes Show Abortion Centers Tell Teens to Deceive Parents
Sacramento, CA ( -- The organization that is working to get California voters to approve a parental
notification initiative on the state ballot has released the transcript of taped phone calls showing abortion centers urging
teens to lie to their parents.
The tapes reveal how abortion facilities help minor teens cover up instances of statutory rape. The Yes on 85 campaign
released transcripts of five secretly recorded conversations to abortion centers by a caller identifying herself as a 13-year
-old girl with a 22-year-old boyfriend seeking an abortion without the knowledge of her parents.
Under California law, the girl would be the victim of statutory rape and her boyfriend would have committed a crime
that abortion businesses should report to authorities. The tapes reveal that abortion center employees repeatedly try to
help the girl find ways around reporting the crime -- and offer suggestions on how the teen can keep her parents in the
dark, with no concern for her status as a victim of sexual abuse. They only warn her that her parents might find out -- if
they get a call from the hospital.
California Abortion Advocates Run False Ad on Parental Notification
Sacramento, CA ( -- Abortion advocates in California have put up a new television
ad attempting to scare state residents about the potential effects of a statewide measure that
would allow parents to know when their minor daughters are considering an abortion. The ad
talks only about the rare cases in which a teen comes from a troubled home.
The new commercial raises the fear that some teenagers may come form abusive home situations
though it doesn't say how a secret abortion would help them escape that. Sponsored by Planned
Parenthood, the commercial features a back yard scene and a bubble floating in the air. As it moves towards the house, viewers can hear raised
voices inside suggesting violence against a young girl.
"Some girls do not enjoy the relationship with their parents that you may have," an announcer
says in the ad. "Prop. 85 would force girls to notify an abusive or violent parent that they are pregnant, and this puts them
in real danger," the announcer says.
However, in an analysis from Peter Hecht of the Sacramento Bee newspaper, the ad paints a
false picture of Proposition 85.
"The ad's claim that Proposition 85 would force girls to notify parents they are pregnant is
technically incorrect," Hecht wrote Monday. "The initiative would require doctors -- not
the girls themselves -- to notify a parent or guardian before performing abortions on girls
younger than 18," Hecht explained. "The commercial also doesn't mention that Proposition 85
would allow a minor girl to petition a juvenile court to avoid the parental notification
requirement," Hecht adds.