Post Abortion Healing Support
Lauren Steen
Fri Jan 17 10:02:06 2003
Counseling. Now that is a really godd idea,
Jennifer. Obviously you have never been to a good counselor, otherwise you would have been told the truth: that it is
healing to talk about emotion rather than to suppress it by talking about how you are continuously being hurt by
society. Remember that finger cut you got in high school? Remember how it did not bleed and you now have a scar on that
finger? Emotions are the same. You can not heal pain by suppressing it. You need to deal with these feelings, cry, talk
about it, let it bleed, in order for it to heal.
Perhaps, if your hear watchdogs barking, you should listen, honey.
There is something wrong with a website that claims to heal people and yet all that happens is a bunch of people feeling
sorry for themselves. This is no better than sitting in your own personal hell, lamenting on your pain for eternity. The
only information posted here is that which is allowed to filter through a moderator who has no training as a teacher, a
counselor or a doctor.
If as you say, you are able to walk outside every day, happy and proud, and if you are as
"over it" as you claim to be, then why are you here? Why bring your spirit down with the constant reminder of something
you obviously have dealt with and moved on from?
You, you are the one punishing yourself, because you have not
learned to forgive yourself for the unforgiveable. All that Nick is trying to do is help you heal, in his own brutally
honest way- but hey- it's bound to work more than just feeling sorry for yourself ever will.
You will always be a
victim until the day you wake up and decide to be a survivor. This website is meaningless. Jennifer, you and you alone,
are the only one who make you happy.
- right jennifer, Fri Jan 17 12:31