Post Abortion Healing Support
Mon Dec 30 19:15:11 2002
thank you so
much, kacee! it's so hard sometimes, and i've been so strong lately, but it gets sort of tiring, you know?
Alexandria Clarice is a beautiful name...
my boyfriend (now) is the only one that i've told, in person, my son's
name. it was back before i had the abortion. it was during the semester, during classes i would write to the baby, and
to my parents, and to myself... and in between classes i would get on a computer and search through baby names... i
found one that means "asked of god"... i know it is naive and purely just a means of coping for me, but i believe that
my child was wanted by god, that my baby would be cared for...
my son's name is samuel.
about your friend,
you are right to assure her of your support, no matter what she does.... but please, as her friend, make her understand
the consequences. i know that i wouldn't change what i did, but i also know that i wouldn't do it again. it doesn't make
sense, but please make sure she knows.
*smile* i know you will take care of her. you've been a great friend to me, i
don't doubt you're a great freind to her.
anyway, feeling sorta down.
talk to you later.
let me know what