Post Abortion Healing Support
Fri Dec 27 14:35:58 2002
If the doctors at the clinic hurt you, you could be
in a lot of danger. You could also have a medical malpractice suit, and make them pay for your medical care rather than
you or your parents.
You need to take this seriously. You don't understand the dangers that you putting yourself in.
What are sheltered people, Sabrina? Sheltered meaning "overprotected"? Britney's pitaful song is no reason to
put your heath in jeopardy. Street smarts. You need to learn what the dangers are so that you can protect yourself.
These people here, can not mend your broken heart you have to do that on your own. They can not diagnose
illness or cure it through their projections of self pity. They may not care about doing the right thing, but I do.
I will keep reminding you that you need a doctor's care.